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Education Champion Network

Shirin Akhter

Director, Friends in Village Development Bangladesh Champion since 2022
Empowering girls in tea garden communities in North-Eastern Bangladesh.

The Issue

Girls from tea garden communities are one of the most marginalized and vulnerable groups in Bangladesh, lacking access to basic rights such as healthcare, education, sanitation and hygiene.

Shirin’s approach

As the Director of FIVDB’s education division, Shirin’s career has spanned over two decades in education, from teaching to developing non-formal education training programmes and advocacy for improving quality education for girls. She serves as the organization’s focal point for Gender and Child Safeguarding and is passionate about supporting girls in tea garden communities who are amongst the most vulnerable in the country.

Friends in Village Development Bangladesh was established in 1979 to give disadvantaged communities a greater voice and to help ensure a better quality of life. Working in collaboration with communities, civil society, the Government and the private sector, FIVDB specializes in grassroots service delivery, social mobilization and advocacy. Their education programmes address infrastructural issues and social norms that are barriers to girls’ education in Bangladesh.

With their Malala Fund grant, FIVDB will focus on tea garden communities in Sylhet in the north eastern part of Bangladesh and address challenges that girls face in completing 12 years of education, including high rates of poverty, lack of parental support, early marriage, proximity to schools and lack of sanitation in schools. The project incorporates girls’ agency and leadership by getting them involved in community engagement and awareness.

More about Shirin

Website: FIVDB
Organization's Twitter: @FIVDB_ngo

There are 6 other Education Champions working in Bangladesh.